Camping at Silang

Just got back from a two-day camping event at Silang, Cavite. The area is near kilometer 48. There were about 8 tents setup on the camping grounds when we arrived.  Six of us arrived last Friday evening while the rest arrived on Saturday morning.

The camp’s theme revolved around one’s passion. God gives all of us personalities, abilities, spiritual gifts and circumstances that draw out our passion … something I would personally describe as one’s calling in life. While all Christians are called to be servants of the Lord, each person has a different skill and task to fulfill. And when you are doing that life-task that God has meant for you, then you are fulfilling your passion in life.

It is also important to surround yourself with people who will encourage you to pursue your passion, not ones who will put you down. Although there was an analogy of irritants being used in shells to manufacture pearls, it is generally better to be surrounded by positive people who may support and even complement your work. A team that has a combined output greater than the summation of its individual members output is always enough justification for the team-up.  Christians are better off working in teams than facing this world alone.

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