Doing What is Right

It is hard to decide to do the right thing when it seems one will lose a lot out of doing so. We lose our friends’ confidence when we fail to join in on their activities. We end up losing money when we pay our parking tickets or other penalties due to violations. We end up breaking a relationship with someone and losing years and memories of being together and we have to deal with the pain and heartache related to recovery.

But doing the wrong thing, even if the majority keeps on performing these actions without remorse or guilt does not make it right. Going with a group of friends who bully an individual, not paying taxes because others are practicing the same action, and not getting away from a relationship at a very young age – all of these require a strong sense of will power to carry out and stand by. Making tough decisions should be something we all learn to embrace in order to reach the next stage of maturity.

The LORD can replace whatever is lost when  we  give  up  something  that  will  supposedly  benefit us  at  the  expense  of  committing or tolerating wrong. Clearly, He knows what is best for us and wants us to enjoy these blessings with a peace that stays in the mind and in the heart. There is nothing better than being in the center of GOD’s will. Only then can we truly enjoy the blessings that the LORD wants to shower upon us in full.

Virtual Scent

Ever wish your loved one could smell the fragrance of a perfume you’re about to buy but that loved one is in another country? Ever wanted to check how a flower would smell before purchasing it for your girlfriend on Valentine’s Day? Ever wonder how a recipe would smell once cooked?

Well this just might be the solution to these types of nasal problems. Check out the future of olfactory technology.


Ever hear about Web Operating Systems (WebOS)? Well I just found out about these recently. Jooce and DesktopTwo are but two examples of WebOS that I was able to check out.

I like Jooce’s simplicity and Fisher-Price like design. (The latter description was used for Windows XP when it came out). There are several applications in Jooce like a player for YouTube videos, and an instant messenger interface for YM and AIM, but for me, the biggest use of Jooce is in file storage. I can put my USB drives away, save my files from the office onto the WebOS, and access it when I get home. I’m not sure of the file size limits and the maximum “harddrive” space on this OS, but I’ve been able to upload 10+ MB file sizes. Wish it had a multiple file upload facility though, or folder upload for that matter. Uploading files one at a time can get tedious.

DesktopTwo has more applications, aside from the same file management functionality of Jooce. It comes with an MP3 player, Notepad, and Email application, all of which turned out great when I tested them. It also has an RSS Application, and supposedly Open Office and a PDF Reader, but I couldn’t figure out how to use these, so maybe somethings wrong with me =). But overall, Desktop two is more advanced and would be better for someone who always wants more. Still, I wouldn’t want everthing running on my browser just yet. Oh and the only thing I didn’t like with DesktopTwo was the Ad application on my desktop. Sure, it was subtle, but Jooce didn’t seem to have any ads. (Which brings into question where they get their funding…hmmm)

As the people and technology get better, I expect these WebOS to continue to flourish and have more sub-applications. Then maybe the time will come when people will no longer need to own a PC… is renting one daily a viable alternative for you? Or is owning one a better alternative for the long haul? Decisions, decisions… guess it just depends…